It is very useful vessel for various sweets, desserts, sauces, gratins, etc., and can be stacked or used in the microwave.
It is an excellent product that can be used in a café style by putting food in it and placing it on a plate.
手のひらサイズの「カラフル + カワイイ」デザインは、アクセサリーや小物入れ、キャンドルホルダーなどインテリア雑貨としても楽しんで頂けます。
The palm-sized "colorful + cute" design can also be enjoyed as interior goods such as accessory holders, candle holders, etc.
The design fits comfortably in your hand and is very lightweight, so it is also recommended as tableware for small children.
■ 専用の透明ケース(箱)に入れてお届けします。
Delivered in a special transparent case (box).
サイズ : 80 x 92 x H45mm
Size : 80 x 92 x H45mm
容量 : 約120cc(満水時)
Capacity : approx. 120cc (when full)
素材 : 白磁
Material : White porcelain
■ 写真と実物では多少の色の違いがあります。
There is a slight difference in color between the photo and the actual product.
■ 陶磁器の特性上、歪や色ムラがある場合がありますのでご了承ください。
Please note that there may be some distortion or unevenness in color due to the characteristics of porcelain.
■ 個体差がありますので表記サイズは目安としてください。
Please note that there are individual differences, so please use the size indicated as a rough guide.