S.C. のロゴはSWEETS CRAFTの頭文字です。
This mug has a cute mountain-shaped stripe pattern, and the one-pointed Mt. Fuji placed on the outside and bottom of the mug is also an accent.
The S.C. logo is an acronym for SWEETS CRAFT.
The unique manufacturing process makes it thin and light, giving it a stylish finish.
It is just the right size for coffee, tea, soup, etc., and can also be used as a cup and saucer when combined with the plate (S).
It is stackable and range-safe, making it suitable for daily use.
It is also recommended as a gift.
あなたなら、どの富士山 ?
あの人には、どの富士山 ?
Which Fuji would you like?
Which Mt. Fuji for that person?
■ 1個ずつ専用の箱に入れてお届けします。
Each piece is delivered in its own box.
サイズ : φ85 × 115 × H82mm
Size : φ85 × 115 × H82mm
容量 : 約320cc(満水時)
Capacity : Approx. 320cc (when full)
素材 : 白磁
Material : White porcelain
■ 写真と実物では多少の色の違いがあります。
There is a slight difference in color between the photo and the actual product.
■ 陶磁器の特性上、歪や色ムラがある場合がありますのでご了承ください。
Please note that there may be distortion and unevenness in color due to the characteristics of porcelain.
■ 個体差がありますので表記サイズは目安としてください。
Please note that there are individual differences, so please use the sizes shown as a rough guide.
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