S.C. のロゴはSWEETS CRAFTの頭文字です。
This petite size vessel is easy to use.
The mountain-shaped stripe pattern is a cute design, and the one-pointed Mt.
The S.C. logo stands for SWEETS CRAFT.
It is a very useful vessel for dipping jams and sauces, salads and appetizers, and for serving fruits and sweets.
For those who like to drink, the size is just right as a sakazuki.(to drink SAKE)
It is stackable and range-safe, making it suitable for everyday use.
It is designed to fit comfortably in the hand and is very lightweight, so it is also recommended as tableware for small children.
あなたなら、どの富士山 ?
あの人には、どの富士山 ?
Which Fuji would you choose?
Which Mt. Fuji for that person?
■ 1個ずつ専用の箱に入れてお届けします。
Each piece is delivered in its own box.
サイズ : φ67mm x H48mm
Size : φ67mm x H48mm
容量 : 約95cc(満水時)
Capacity : Approx. 95cc (when full)
素材 : 白磁
Material : White porcelain
■ 写真と実物では多少の色の違いがあります。
There is a slight difference in color between the photo and the actual product.
■ 陶磁器の特性上、歪や色ムラがある場合がありますのでご了承ください。
Please note that there may be some distortion or unevenness in color due to the characteristics of porcelain.
■ 個体差がありますので表記サイズは目安としてください。
Please note that there are individual differences, so please use the size indicated as a rough guide.
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